NBD, Festivities, voting

Did a small upstream update to the NBD userland utilities yesterday, releasing 2.7.1. The reason it took that long to create the update was that the minor bug which I fixed (multiple-file snprintf not properly if():ed) revealed another one (the server not properly closing the socket when there is an error on opening the to be exported file). While this bug should be fixed, too, it's a bit harder to do (at least if I want to keep things maintainable) due to the current layout of the code; for that reason, I'm not sure whether I should fix this bug for 2.7, or just leave it there and make sure it's fixed in 2.8 (which, due to it using glib, should be a lot easier to do).

I didn't blog about that yesterday since I didn't have the time; right after releasing 2.7, we left for the marriage of a cousin of mine, who lives in West-Vlaanderen, some 100km from here. We stayed there overnight, and arrived back home today around 12:00. The festivities were nice.

Today, then, we went to vote for the European and the Flemish Parliaments. I voted for Bart Staes in the EP, and for the SP.A (list vote) in the flemish parliament. There are no results available for the European parliament yet, since in some European countries people can still vote until 10 PM tonight, but according to the first preliminary results, things seem to go well for the greens in the flemish parliament. Not as much for the socialists, but oh well.

Might be interesting to note that Belgium is one of the few countries worldwide where there is an obligation to vote. We're not just allowed to go vote, we have to vote—if you don't, you get fined. Not that I, personally, wouldn't have voted if there was no obligation, but I do think the obligation is silly.